
This allows users to manage their users on their account.

DELETE api/v1/admin/users/{id}/certificates

Deletes client certificates from the user. The logged in user must have permission to perform this action.

DELETE api/v1/admin/users/{id}/accounts/{accountID}

Removes user access for the given sub account.

GET api/v1/admin/users?IncludeSuperUsers={IncludeSuperUsers}

This method retrieves all the users that the authenticated user is allowed to view. The method will return data only if the authenticated user is authorised to access the users, else it will return a HTTP 401 error.

GET api/v1/admin/users/{id}

Returns the details of the provided user ID. The logged in user must have permission to perform this action.

GET api/v1/admin/users/{id}/certificates

Lists all the client certificates that have assigned to the user.

PATCH api/v1/admin/users/{id}/access

Give a user admin access if the user specified is a standard user or remove admin access from a user if the user specified has already got admin access.

POST api/v1/admin/users/{id}/certificates

Adds client certificates from the user. The logged in user must have permission to perform this action.

POST api/v1/admin/users

Creates a new user to the logged in account. The logged in user must have permission to perform this action. The method performs various checks before creating the new user.

POST api/v1/admin/users/{id}/accounts

Adds a sub account access to the current user.

PUT api/v1/admin/users/{id}

Updates user details of the specified user. The logged in user must have permission to perform this action.

GET api/v1/UserAdminAPI/GetAllUsers?accountID={accountID}

Returns all user based on accountID. iff accountID not supplied, it will use the one from current user.

POST api/v1/UserAdminAPI/UserUpdateGDPR/{id}

Updated the GDPR settings of the user

GET api/v1/UserAdminAPI/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.


The SMSAPI allows the user to manage the SMS service. It allows creation of secure, long and standard SMS messages. Allows for updating secure and long messages. Removing secure/long messages and scheduled SMS messages. Finally it allows for fetching messages, fixed messages and templates.

DELETE api/v1/sms/messages

The method will expire all advanced messages regardless of expiry date set in the original request. If the notify recipients option is set then the system will notify all recipients that the message has been expired and no longer viewable (Only for advanced messages). If the delete option is set and the account has the message deletion feature enabled, the contents of the standard and advanced messages will be deleted. The default search criteria will list all messages that have expired or all recipients have read the message the maximum number of times. An object listing the parameters for messages to be deleted.

DELETE api/v2/sms/messages/pendings

This method allows the client to cancel all the pending messages specified. Object containing a list of messageIDs that will be cancelled

DELETE api/v2/sms/messages/recurrings

This method allows the client to cancel all the recurring messages specified. Object containing a list of messageIDs that will be cancelled

DELETE api/v1/sms/templates/{templateID}

This method allows the user to remove a notification template from the system. If the account does not have any more templates for the type that was removed, the system will revert back to the default template for that type.

GET api/v1/sms/templates

This method retrieves all the notification templates that the system can send out for the account.

GET api/v1/sms/fixedmessages/{id}

This method retrieves the fixed message that has been specified by the parameter.

PUT api/v1/sms/messages/{messageID}

This method allows the user to update a message that has already been sent. The updates that are allowed are: 1. The content of the message. 2. Add new contacts to the message. 3. Removing contacts from the message. 4. Updating the expiration date. 5. Updating the dissolve settings. Updates are allowed only if the following conditions are met: 1) The message has not expired. 2) The message has not been read by any of the recipients if updating the contents of the message.

GET api/v1/sms/messages/{Id}?contactId={contactId}

This method decrypts the encoded string and fetches the long message details for the contact.

GET api/v1/sms/messages/authenticated/{Id}?contactId={contactId}

This method decrypts the encoded string and fetches the secure message details for the contact. This method is called after the recipient has authenticated with an identity provider.

GET api/v1/sms/templates/{templateID}

This method retrieves the notification template specified in the request.

PUT api/v1/sms/templates/{templateID}

This method updates an existing notification template with the new information provided in the request. All fields must be present as all fields will be updated even if they have not been changed.

POST api/v1/sms/templates

This method creates a new notification template that will overwrite the system default notification template for the specified type.

POST api/v1/sms/messages/fof

Sends a FOF Message to a group of people.

POST api/v2/sms/messages

This method sends either of the following type of messages: 1) Advanced Messages (Secure or long message) 2) Standard Messages 3) Recurring Messages

POST api/v1/sms/messages/replies

This method sends a message to the contacts specified in the request or contained in the groups specified in the request. This allows the user to set an expiry of the message and how many times the end user can view the message. The system will check that the contact has permission to perform this action.

POST api/v1/sms/messages/replies/sender

GET api/v1/SMSAPI/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.


This allows users to manage their single sign on settings for their account.

DELETE api/v1/admin/identityproviders/{id}

This method deletes the Identity provider by ID.

GET api/v1/admin/identityproviders?Name={Name}

This method returns a list of all identity providers of TYPE=4 (SAML) on the customer’s account according to the name of the identity provider record. For each identity providers it will include all parameters stored for the identity provider. If the Name field is left blank, then no filter will be applied and a full list of identity providers will be returned for the domain

GET api/v1/admin/identityproviders/{id}

This method will retrieve the identity provider for a particular ID

GET api/v1/admin/scim/{id}

Gets that status of SCIM for a given account.

GET api/v1/admin/identityproviders/{ID}/verification

This method tests that your domain contains the TXT string assigned to the identity provider

PATCH api/v1/admin/scim/{id}

Updates the SCIM status on the account.

POST api/v2/admin/identityproviders

This method adds an identity provider for the account. The system will check the domain used to determine the identity provider is unique for the account. It will return the domain TXT string. To successfully verify this Identity provider this TXT string should be added to your domain.

PUT api/v2/admin/identityproviders/{id}

This method modifies an identity provider by ID.

GET api/v1/SSOAdminAPI/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.


The Address Book Api allows the user to manage the Address Book service. The Address book Api methods can do several functions, such as retrieving information of the groups and contacts in the Address Book with the GET method. These methods also allows the system to delete and update group/contacts with DELETE and PUT method, as well as adding new groups/contacts and much more with the POST method.

DELETE api/v3/addressbook/contacts

The method removes multiple Contacts from the account. If the all flag is set, removes all contacts from the contact except for the contacts provided in the list.

DELETE api/v1/addressbook/groups/{groupID}

The method removes the group from the account.

DELETE api/v3/addressbook/groups/{groupID}/contacts

This method removes multiple Contacts from a Group.

DELETE api/v1/addressbook/stoplog

Removes a number(s) from the 2sms stop log on a given short code. Each number is then sent a confirmation informing the user that they have been opted in of the short code.

GET api/v1/addressbook/contacts/{contactID}

This method returns the details of the specified contact. This detail of the contact will include their first name, last name, mobile number, email address and the type of authentication the contact has chosen if used with an SMS+ message. The system checks the contact ID is valid and belongs to the account

GET api/v1/addressbook/networks/{mobileNumber}

Retrieve network data for the provided mobile number.

GET api/v2/addressbook/contacts/lookup?destinations[0]={destinations[0]}&destinations[1]={destinations[1]}

This method is used to translate destinations into addressbook contact names if they're are avaliable

GET api/v3/addressbook/contacts?paging.Page={paging.Page}&paging.NoOfRecords={paging.NoOfRecords}&Inheritance={Inheritance}&sort.Field={sort.Field}&sort.Direction={sort.Direction}

This method returns a list of all the contacts stored on the customer’s account if no parameters are provided. For each contact it will include their first name, last name, mobile number, email address and the type of authentication the contact has chosen if used with an SMS+ message. This method allows the list to be page for large address books and filtered to reduce the size of the data returned.

GET api/v2/addressbook/groups/{AddressBookGroupID}/contacts?noOfRecordsPerPage={noOfRecordsPerPage}&page={page}&Field={Field}&Direction={Direction}

This method returns a list of all the contacts that are in the group specified in the users account. It will also include the details for each contact.

GET api/v2/addressbook/groups?count={count}&startIndex={startIndex}&summary={summary}

This method returns a list of all the groups stored on the customer’s account if no parameters are provided.

GET api/v1/addressbook/groups/{groupID}

This method returns a group stored on any account.

GET api/v1/addressbook/validate

This method returns a list of all addressbook phone numbers and their associated shortcodes/headers that have a stop log request against them.

GET api/v2/addressbook/stoplog?Page={Page}&NoOfRecords={NoOfRecords}

This method returns a list of all addressbook phone numbers that have a stop log request against them or are invalid numbers. Note it will only give results for the loged in user and inherited contacts will not be included. Filtering can be applied. Filters the database using firstname, lastname, emailaddress and mobile phone. Only the records matching every criteria will be returned. If a field is left empty, then no filter will be applied using that field Determines the index to start outputting the contacts from a list returned from the database. (Default : 0) and how many records are to be returned from the database (Default : 20)

PATCH api/v1/addressbook/contacts

Updates the details of all the contacts specified in the request.

POST api/v4/addressbook/contacts

This method adds multiple contacts to the system. The system checks that the mobile numbers and email address are valid and if the validation is requested, the system will send a message to the contact to check the details are correct.

PUT api/v1/addressbook/groups/{groupID}

This method updates the group name of the group provided. The system will check that the new name does not already exist for the account.

POST api/v2/addressbook/groups

This method creates an empty group for the user to add contacts to. The system will check that the name of the group is not already present for that account. This can also be a sub group for any other group that you own.

POST api/v1/addressbook/stoplog

Adds a number(s) to the 2sms stop log on a given short code. Each number is then sent a confirmation informing the user that they have been opt out of the short code.

PUT api/v2/addressbook/groups/{groupID}/contacts

This method adds a contact to selected group. The system will check that the user adding a contact is allowed. If the contact is already in the group, this method does nothing.

PUT api/v1/addressbook/contacts/{contactID}

This method updates the contact details of the contact provided.

GET api/v1/AddressBookApi/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.


This allows users to manage the number of clients that are allowed access to their account via the API of SMS+.

DELETE api/v1/admin/clients/{id}

This method deletes the client, given the id.

GET api/v1/admin/clients

Returns a list of clients.

POST api/v1/admin/clients

This method adds a new client. Returned is the client name, ID and secret. The client secret will not be available again, so it is very important that this information is saved and stored in a safe place.

GET api/v1/ClientAdminAPI/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.


The ReportAPI allows you produce reports on secure messages, long messages, standard SMS messages. It also allows to report on number of reads for secure/long messages and the notification messages sent to the recipients.

GET api/v1/reports/messages/BatchResend?RetrieveRecentGuids={RetrieveRecentGuids}&Number={Number}&Reference={Reference}&DateID={DateID}&StartDate={StartDate}&EndDate={EndDate}&Range={Range}&Destination={Destination}&softwareVersion={softwareVersion}

The original reference of the batch

GET api/v1/reports/subAccountOverview

Returns information regarding account balance and credit usage. Information returned is for both master account and all the sub accounts that are below. Total balance can be combined with all the sub accounts below, making it easy to calculate the total. Credit usage is only available per account.

GET api/v1/reports/messages?filter.User={filter.User}&filter.Status={filter.Status}&filter.ReadStatus={filter.ReadStatus}&filter.ReadResponseStatus={filter.ReadResponseStatus}&filter.StartDate={filter.StartDate}&filter.EndDate={filter.EndDate}&filter.Range={filter.Range}&filter.Destination={filter.Destination}&filter.Reference={filter.Reference}&paging.Page={paging.Page}&paging.NoOfRecords={paging.NoOfRecords}&sort.Field={sort.Field}&sort.AscendingDescending={sort.AscendingDescending}

Retrieves all the details for the secure/long message for a given contact.

GET api/v1/reports/messages/fof

Fetches all the messages that the user has sent a FOF message with a list of all the people who have replied to the message.

GET api/v1/reports/messages/{messageId}/details

Retrieves the secure/long message for the given message. This includes all the recipients, notifications, responses and reads.

GET api/v1/reports/messages/{messageId}/reads

Retrieves all the reads the secure/long message has received for a given message.

GET api/v1/reports/messages/{messageId}/responses?filter.User={filter.User}&filter.Status={filter.Status}&filter.StartDate={filter.StartDate}&filter.EndDate={filter.EndDate}&filter.Range={filter.Range}&filter.Destination={filter.Destination}&filter.Reference={filter.Reference}&paging.Page={paging.Page}&paging.NoOfRecords={paging.NoOfRecords}&sort.Field={sort.Field}&sort.AscendingDescending={sort.AscendingDescending}

Retrieves all the recipients that have responded to the message. It will also display whether there are any unread responses.

GET api/v1/reports/messages/{messageId}/responses/{recipient}

Retrieves all the responses that have been received/sent from/to the recipient specified in the request.

GET api/v1/reports/messages/{messageId}/notifications

Retrieves all the notifications the secure/long message has sent out along with the status of the notification messages.

GET api/v1/reports/messages/standard?filter.RecentDays={filter.RecentDays}&filter.Status={filter.Status}&filter.ReportDetailedErrorInfo={filter.ReportDetailedErrorInfo}&filter.SoftwareVersion={filter.SoftwareVersion}&filter.RetrieveRecentGuids={filter.RetrieveRecentGuids}&filter.Number={filter.Number}&filter.Reference={filter.Reference}&filter.DateID={filter.DateID}&filter.StartDate={filter.StartDate}&filter.EndDate={filter.EndDate}&filter.Range={filter.Range}&filter.Destination={filter.Destination}&paging.ReportID={paging.ReportID}&paging.Page={paging.Page}&paging.NoOfRecords={paging.NoOfRecords}

Retrieves a report on all the standard SMS messages for the account. Paging and filtering can be applied. There are three different ways to specify which values you want to include inside your report. These are 'Range', 'StartDate and EndDate' and 'RecentDays'. NOTE: at least one parameter needs to be used, otherwise the response will not return anything. Only one parameter can be used at the time to filter out the data when the report is returned. If more than one parameters are supplied, they will be prioritized in this order Range > RecentsDays > startDate and EndDate.

GET api/v2/reports/messages/standard?filter.User={filter.User}&filter.RecentDays={filter.RecentDays}&filter.Status={filter.Status}&filter.ReportDetailedErrorInfo={filter.ReportDetailedErrorInfo}&filter.SoftwareVersion={filter.SoftwareVersion}&filter.RetrieveRecentGuids={filter.RetrieveRecentGuids}&filter.Number={filter.Number}&filter.Reference={filter.Reference}&filter.DateID={filter.DateID}&filter.StartDate={filter.StartDate}&filter.EndDate={filter.EndDate}&filter.Range={filter.Range}&filter.Destination={filter.Destination}&paging.ReportID={paging.ReportID}&paging.Page={paging.Page}&paging.NoOfRecords={paging.NoOfRecords}

Retrieves a report on all the standard SMS messages for the account. Paging and filtering can be applied. There are three different ways to specify which values you want to include inside your report. These are 'Range', 'StartDate and EndDate' and 'RecentDays'. NOTE: at least one parameter needs to be used, otherwise the response will not return anything. Only one parameter can be used at the time to filter out the data when the report is returned. If more than one parameters are supplied, they will be prioritized in this order Range > RecentsDays > startDate and EndDate.

GET api/v1/reports/messages/pendingandrecurring?filter.Range={filter.Range}&filter.RecentDays={filter.RecentDays}&filter.Reference={filter.Reference}&filter.ReportType={filter.ReportType}&filter.SoftwareVersion={filter.SoftwareVersion}&filter.DestinationName={filter.DestinationName}&filter.StartDate={filter.StartDate}&filter.EndDate={filter.EndDate}&filter.Destination={filter.Destination}&paging.ReportID={paging.ReportID}&paging.Page={paging.Page}&paging.NoOfRecords={paging.NoOfRecords}

Retrieves all messages that are scheduled or all recurring messages setup on the account. Paging and filtering can be applied.

GET api/v1/reports/standard/inbound

Retrieves a report on all the Inbound Inbound 2way messages for the account. filtering can be applied. There are three different ways to specify the date ranges you want to include inside your report. These are 'Range', 'StartDate and EndDate' and 'RecentDays'. NOTE: at least one parameter needs to be used, otherwise the response will not return anything. Only one date parameter can be used at the time to filter out the data when the report is returned. If more than one parameter is supplied, they will be prioritized in this order Range > RecentsDays > startDate and EndDate. You can also filter on ShortCode and Inbound number

GET api/v1/reports/numberstatus?Destination={Destination}&ShortCode={ShortCode}&SoftwareVersion={SoftwareVersion}

This method checks a number provided against the 2sms stop log with the given shortcode.

GET api/v1/reports/monthlystatement?Month={Month}&Year={Year}&SoftwareVersion={SoftwareVersion}

Retrieves a Monthly Statement Report showing a summary of the monthly and a daily breakdown

GET api/v1/reports/yearlycreditusage?softwareVersion={softwareVersion}

Retrieves a Yearly Overview Report showing a summary of the monthly breakdown and month total

GET api/v1/reports/yearlyoverviewreport?softwareVersion={softwareVersion}

Retrieves a Yearly Overview Report showing a summary of the monthly breakdown and month total

POST api/v1/ReportAPI/IsRootAccount?accountID={accountID}

Checks if the account is a root account

POST api/v1/ReportAPI/DetermineStatusBarColor?MessageID={MessageID}

Returns the color name for the status bar. Does the validation using MessageID

GET api/v1/ReportAPI/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.


These methods allow a user to view all the client certificates that have been setup on the account and the system. It allows for the user make a client certificate add request which 2sms IT support will then added the client certificate to the system. It will also allow a user to remove a client certificate from the system and also send a remove request to the 2sms IT support allowing for the certificate to be removed from the system.

DELETE api/v1/admin/certificates/{thumbprint}

Deletes a client certificate from all users that have been assigned the certificate. It will also send an email to 2sms IT support so they can removed it from the system.

GET api/v1/admin/certificates

Lists all the client certificates have been assigned to the account.

POST api/v1/admin/certificates

Adds a new client certificate to the system. The method automatically sends an email to 2sms IT support so they can place the certificate onto the servers. The method will check for: 1) The certificate has not already been added to the system. 2) The certificate has not expired. 3) The certificate has not been revoked.

GET api/v1/ClientCertificateAdminAPI/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.


The Account Admin API is for managing accounts and users. You can do several things with this class, such as retrieve information of the users accounts, get balance for the children accounts, manage children accounts and so on.

DELETE api/v1/admin/accounts/{id}/features/{featureID}

Disables a feature on the account specified.

DELETE api/v1/admin/accounts/{id}

Deactivates an account by making it inaccessible by the user. All the data like addressbooks, reports, etc will still be kept in case account is reactivated (Can only be done by contacting 2sms). You also have an option to cancel pending messages, transfer sub accounts to master account or delete all the child accounts that are below the sub account you are deleting. Note: you can only perform one of the following: move sub accounts to the new master account or deactivate all of the sub accounts below. You cannot do both. If you choose to do both, then delete all sub accounts will be prioritized. Only top level account can perform such operation at this time.

GET api/v1/admin/accounts/{id}/headers

Retrieves a list of ShortCodes/Headers for the account.

GET api/v1/admin/accounts

This method retrieves the account details for the logged in user.

PUT api/v1/admin/accounts/{id}

This method updates an existing account specified by the account Id in the URL. The system will check that the user has permission to update the account and that the account Id is valid. This method does not use all of the parameters of the Account model below. This method uses the following: Address, ContactNumber, Disclaimer, EmailAddress, FirstName, LanguageID, LastName, Logo, LogoName, Name, SMSPassword, SMSUsername, TimeZone, TwoFactorEnabled, Website

GET api/v2/admin/accounts/{id}

This method retrieves the account details for the given account id. The method will return data only if the authenticated user is authorised to access the account, else it will return a HTTP 401 error.

GET api/v1/admin/accounts/{id}/accounts?Name={Name}&MobilePhone={MobilePhone}&EmailAddress={EmailAddress}

This method retrieves all the accounts that the authenticated user is allowed to view. It will return the master account first, followed by all the sub-accounts that the user has been granted access. The sub-accounts are order by the name field. The method will return data only if the authenticated user is authorised to access the accounts, else it will return a HTTP 401 error.

GET api/v1/admin/accounts/{id}/features

Fetches all the features from the system and whether the account has them enabled or not.

GET api/v1/admin/accounts/addressbookpermissions

Returns a list of sub accounts and their

PUT api/v1/admin/accounts/addressbookpermissions

This method modifies sub account access to the master account addressbook. The access either be given or taken away.

GET api/v1/admin/accounts/{id}/addressbookgrouppermissions/{subAccountID}

Return a list of gorups with all the permissions that are given to the sub accounts. Filter can be applied by supplying a value for "SubAccountID", otherwise leave as "null" or "none" to return permissions for all the sub accounts that belong to the master.

PUT api/v1/admin/accounts/{id}/addressbookgrouppermissions

This method modifies addressbook group permissions for chosen sub accounts. You can only modify permissions for sub accounts that are one level below. Changing group permissions for sub that is one level below will automatically take care of all the subs that are below in the hierarchy.

PATCH api/v1/admin/accounts/{id}/credits

This api allows you to give/take credits from/to sub account. For example, transaction from master account to account 3 levels below is not allowed (Has to be 1 level below). You can perform multiple transactions using one api call.

PATCH api/v1/admin/accounts/{id}/validate

This method validates an account using two codes that are sent to account's email address and mobile phone (Part 1 and Part 2). Both parts need to contain the correct verification code, you cannot use just one. Both verification code part will be submitted as one. It should look something like "1234ABCD","6949RTGF", etc.

POST api/v1/admin/accounts/{id}/features/{featureID}

No documentation available.

POST api/v1/admin/accounts/{id}

This api method creates a subaccount for your account. You need to pass in all the relevant details together with the master account id. A good amount of validation is added, so make sure that you follow the criteria for each of the attributes.

POST api/v1/AccountAdminAPI/LegacyDbCreateAccount?parentAccountUsername={parentAccountUsername}&parentAccountPassword={parentAccountPassword}&Firstname={Firstname}&Lastname={Lastname}&Username={Username}&Email={Email}&MobilePhone={MobilePhone}&CompanyName={CompanyName}&Password={Password}&timeZoneInMicrosoftFormat={timeZoneInMicrosoftFormat}&isoCode={isoCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/v1/AccountAdminAPI/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.


The SMS Admin Api allows the user to manage the SMS related Admin services. The SMS Admin Api methods can do several functions, such as managing your fixed messages.

DELETE api/v1/admin/fixedmessages

This method deletes a fixed message, given the id.

DELETE api/v1/admin/templates/{id}

Deactivates a message template.

GET api/v1/admin/fixedmessages?id={id}

Retrieves a fixed messages by its id. If the id field is left blank a full list of fixed messages will be returned.

GET api/v1/admin/templates

Lists all the message templates on the account.

GET api/v1/admin/templates/{id}

Fetches the message template provided.

POST api/v1/admin/fixedmessages

This method adds a new fixed message.

POST api/v1/admin/templates

Creates a new message template.

PUT api/v1/admin/fixedmessages

This method modifies an existing fixed message.

PUT api/v1/admin/templates/{id}

Modifies an existing message template.

GET api/v1/SMSAdminAPI/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.


This allows users to manage the tasks on their account. It will allow the users to add, modify, remove and run tasks.

DELETE api/v1/admin/tasks/account/{taskID}

Deletes a task from account.

GET api/v1/admin/tasks

List of all available tasks that can be scheduled for the account.

GET api/v1/admin/tasks/account

Displays all the tasks that have been created on the account.

GET api/v1/admin/tasks/account/{taskID}

Displays the task detail of the specific task specified.

POST api/v2/admin/tasks/account

Creates a new task for the account. Before a new task can be created a client must have been created before hand.

PUT api/v1/admin/tasks/account/{id}

Updates an existing task on the account.

POST api/v1/admin/tasks/account/run?id={id}

Allows the task to be run immediately.

GET api/v1/TaskAdminAPI/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.


Administration of placeholders

DELETE api/v1/admin/placeholders/{id}

Delete a placeholder.

GET api/v1/admin/placeholders

List all placeholders that are available to the account.

GET api/v1/admin/placeholders/{id}

Retrieve a description of a given placeholder.

POST api/v1/admin/placeholders

Adds a new placeholder onto the account.

PUT api/v1/admin/placeholders/{id}

Updates a placeholder onto the account.

GET api/v1/MiscAdminAPI/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.


The Team Data Api allows the user to manage the Team Data service. The TeamDataAPI methods allow the creation of question sets that allow recipients to answer a series of questions, allows the creator amend the questions and add new recipients. It also allows creation of recurring question sets. The methods also allow to recipients to view the answers of the question sets.

DELETE api/v1/teamdata/datasets/{id}

This method deletes and disables a data set. The dataset will be deleted when the status of the team data is already open.

GET api/v1/teamdata/accesslists/{contactId}

No documentation available.

GET api/v1/teamdata/answersets/{id}/{contactId}

This method retrieves the answer sets of a data set for a given contact.

GET api/v1/teamdata/datasets/{id}

This method retrieves all the details of a dataset, the dataset id is required.

GET api/v1/teamdata/datasets/{id}/filters/{filter}

This method gets the filtered data set list. The system will return the details of the filtered data set.

GET api/v1/teamdata/externalanswersets/{id}/{contactId}

This method will get the external answer sets detail for a given contact id.

GET api/v1/teamdata/externaldatasets/{id}/questions/{questionId}

This method gets the details of a question in the external dataset. The system requires an id for the question and will return the information for that question.

GET api/v1/teamdata/externalteamdatas/{contactId}/filters/{filter}

This method filters the external team data of the given contact id. The system returns details of the team data list that have been filtered.

GET api/v1/teamdata/externaldatas/{contactId}/{teamdataId}

This method retrieves details of an external dataset. The dataset will give details only if the user that created the dataset, has given the permission to view the results of the external answer. If the user has no permission access the external answer set, the Error code "22" will occur. Error Reason "Access Denied. Administrative privileges may be required".

GET api/v1/teamdata/externalquestionsets/{teamdataId}/contacts/{contactId}/datasets/{datasetId}

This method retrieves the questions from the data set the recipient has been given access to. This method is called by the recipients only.

GET api/v1/teamdata/questionsets/{id}

This method gets the questions set of a team data. The method returns the number of questions that are in that data set. The question set id can be retrieved in the following method in the TeamData Api: "GET api/v1/teamdata/datasets/{id}".

GET api/v1/teamdata/teamdatas/{id}/responses/{questionId}

This method retrieves the responses of the team data with a TeamData Id and question Id. The system will return a respondent list and a non-response list in that team data.

GET api/v1/teamdata/teamdatas/{id}

This method retrieves the details of a team data, the system returns the details only if the team data it's still active and not deleted.

GET api/v1/teamdata/teamdatas?teamdatas={teamdatas}

This method retrieves all the TeamDatas that have been setup for the account.

PATCH api/v1/teamdata/questions/{id}

Disables and enables the TeamData question.

POST api/v1/teamdata/questions

This method posts a new set of questions in the existing team data.

POST api/v1/teamdata/datasets

This method creates a dataset that will be then sent to a group list or contact list. The dataset can be set to be repeated by setting the start date and end date, by having occurrences that will allow the dataset to be sent at the time and date set.

POST api/v1/teamdata/teamdatas

This method posts a new team data, it creates a new question list that can then be sent to your already existing team data contacts, groups or new contacts.

POST api/v1/teamdata/externalanswersets

This method creates a set of external answers for a team data.

PUT api/v1/teamdata/datasets/{id}

This method updates a dataset that has been then sent to a group list or contact list with the unique Id. The dataset can be set to be repeated by setting the start date and end date, or having occurrences that will allow the dataset to repeat itself.

PUT api/v1/teamdata/teamdatas/{id}

This method updates the team data by updating a specific field such as comment, date insert, name or updating and editing the contacts in team data.

GET api/v1/TeamDataAPI/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.


GET api/v1/RecipientSSOAdminAPI/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.


GET api/v1/GeneralAPI/GetFOFHeader

Fetches the header for an FOF message.